In my 40's I feel better than ever, but that wasn't always the case. Back in 2002 when I was 19 years old, I was tired, unhappy and weighed in at 295 lbs. I needed to make a change, but where would I start? I started learning everything I could about health and nutrition. As a science nerd working on my bachelor's degree in Biochemistry at the time, I enjoyed learning the science behind health and fitness. What foods should I eat and what foods should I avoid? What workouts were the most effective for losing weight and getting strong? Through endless trial and error, I ended up losing 125 lbs. and changing my life. Everything got better. My relationships, my performance in school, my energy and my overall health. Today, I wonder how many others are out there that need help in navigating all of the information available today, both good and bad. America is getting fatter and unhealthier every year. I want to be a part of reversing that. My personal mission is to help others navigate their health journey in a way that leads to LONG-TERM and SUSTAINABLE results. Whether it's losing some body fat, getting stronger or improving overall health, I've been through it myself and I'm most full-filled when helping others avoid the setbacks and finally make positive change in their own health.